Apex Legends cosplayer
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Apex Legends cosplayer brings new Legend Valkyrie to life

Apex Legends Legacy is just around the corner and new legend Valkyrie is slated to arrive alongside it.

Valkyrie is a titan pilot, who is desperate to forget her own path in the Apex Games. A highly talented Apex Legends cosplayer brought the legend to life, perfectly recreating her appearance from the Stories of the Outlands video.

Released in Apr. 2019, Apex Legends boasts an impressive roster of unique characters. Each of these legends has its own backstory, meaning fans are burning with curiosity about their personalities and storylines.

With fans becoming interested in the title’s characters, a set of talented cosplayers are ready to bring them to life. Apex Legends is no different.

The new Legend Valkyrie has received her own Stories from the Outlands video. A lot of fans have understandably been inspired to capture her appearance with one cosplay outclassing them all.

Twitch streamer and cosplayer Aaebiya has come up with a cosplay that perfectly recreates the appearance of Apex’s new Legend to life. The outfit is taken from Valkyrie’s appearance in the Northstar Stories from the Outlands video where she is seeking to avenge her father’s death.

Every aspect including the dark red cropped jacket and the black turtle neck jumper perfectly matches her look from the video. You can stay tuned to Aaebiya’s socials to see if she cosplays any other Apex Legends characters.

Sana Khan

Sana Khan

A versatile writer with several years of experience in terms of delivering engaging content.


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